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seedling pine
Tamarack tree in yellow color with other trees
father and young child planting tree seedlings
small tree seedling in woods
White Pine seedling in woods
a box full of maple tree seedlings

Property owners in the Arrowhead and North Central region of Minnesota are invited to take part in our FREE tree seedling distribution program.


It's simple: pre-order FREE seedlings from our website and choose your pickup location and when we will keep you updated on the Spring 2025 pickup dates and specific pickup location in your area.


Species available include northern white cedar, white pine, red pine, jack pine, white spruce, sugar maple, red maple, bur oak, northern red oak, yellow birch, tamarack and basswood.


These species have been selected because they are native Minnesota tree species, have a variety of site requirements and therefore can help create diverse and healthy forests, and most are expected to do well in a changing climate. 


Want to know more about what trees to choose?





What to plant?  Where to plant?  How to plant?  Let us help you answer these important questions!  Let’s Plant Trees stays current on which native Minnesota tree species are generally expected to do well in a changing climate, to ensure the best long-term survival rates. We then source those tree seedlings and distribute them for FREE, along with detailed information about the site requirements of the tree species that we offer.  We also equip property owners with detailed planting instructions, and we can refer property owners to forestry experts and other resources, for help with complex woodland questions and long term planning strategies.  We are here to help!

a woman holding tree seedlings wrapped in a towel


Seedlings are expected to arrive in late April to early May, and can be picked up at one of 4 pickup locations: Grand Marais, Lutsen, Two Harbors and Virginia, Minnesota.  Further details on distribution plans will be circulated to those who have signed up once we have firm shipping dates from our suppliers.  Seedlings will be accompanied by detailed planting instructions at distribution to help ensure successful planting.

berries spring
seedling planted


mature spruce trees


Moose wildlife reforestation


Let's Plant Trees is dedicated to reforestation, and specifically equipping property owners and communities to plant a diverse mix of tree seedlings to ensure healthy forests for future generations.  To participate in our efforts, submit an order for seedlings or contact us for more information! We gladly accept requests for just a handful of seedlings, and can also help answer any questions that you may have. Reforestation is work that we can all do!  And, we'll do it one tree at a time.

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